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MaiaOffers : Quick Guide for University Representatives

MaiaOffers is now live on your account. This means you can view the profiles of students who have chosen to share their information with colleges and universities. Engage with students earlier in the admissions journey, giving you a head start in recruitment.
You have the ability to filter and favorite.
You can download csv files and assign specific reps
Message students, invite them to interview, offer acceptance, or award scholarships. The choice is yours!

Search & Favorite Profiles

Apply Filters - Use the Profiles tab to filter students that fit your institution. Filters can include academic interests, geographic location, and other relevant criteria.

Favorite Students - Once you've identified students of interest, click the Favorite button on their profile. This action will allow you to view their full Digital Profile and initiate communication.

Download and Assign -
Download profile details into a CSV file from the Favorites tab and assign students to reps.

Message Students & Counselors

Send Messages - You can easily message students and counselors directly from your Favorites  tab.

Select the student or counselor and click the Message button to begin your communication. 

View Conversations -
Track all communications in the Messages tab.

Make Offers & Award Scholarships

Should you want to, you can even make Offers & Award Scholarships. From your Favorites tab, you can make offers of admission and scholarships to selected students.

Simply click on the Make Offer button, fill out the necessary details, and send the offer to the student.

Manage Offers - View and manage all offers in the Offers tab.

Need HeIf you have any questions, please email support@maialearning.com

New! Update Your Factsheet

Updating your university’s Factsheet in MaiaLearning is now quick and simple! With just a few clicks, you can ensure that counselors and students worldwide have the most up-to-date information about your institution.

Special Note: You’ll need an Admin account to edit Factsheets. If you don’t have one yet, contact us at support@maialearning.com for access.
Watch the video to see how you can update each section
This checklist will help you gather the information you may need
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